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Celebrating Achievement

Children work hardest when they know their work will be appreciated and praised.  All staff encourage pupils at all times and in all activities to give their best.  Their effort may be rewarded verbally by praise, or non-verbally by a smiley face or sticker.

Certificate Scheme

In response to initiatives encouraging a positive approach to behaviour management and motivation of pupils, and with reference to Promoting Positive Behaviour, a series of initiatives have been introduced at Arrochar Primary School, culminating in the Certificate Scheme.


Individual Achievement

Pupils start afresh each session, with the challenge of climbing up the ‘achievement ladder’ through the different levels, to try to reach as high a level of attainment as they can over the period of one year.

Up to ten stars are awarded to each child each week for good behaviour and effort.  Once 50 stars have been accumulated, the child receives the first award, a Bronze Class Certificate.  A further 50 stars later, a Bronze Head Teacher’s Certificate is awarded.  The child then moves up to the Silver Level, with a Class Certificate and a Head Teacher’s Certificate to gain, before the final Gold Level Class and Head Teacher’s Certificate’s are achieved.  Each of these awards is presented before the whole school at Assembly.

At the end of term assembly in June, one pupil from each class will be awarded a Distinction certificate; this is awarded for outstanding effort, behaviour and attitude throughout the year.

Marble System

Each child works towards winning marbles for their house. Marbles are given to children for good behaviour, good effort, following Arrochar Primary’s school values and other positive achievements. The marbles for each house are counted collectively at the end of each week, and the house with the most points are given an extra break time.